It was not until after these tanks were filled with industrial sewage that the client realised they were leaking.
After much consulting, discussion and testing it was decided that BMC (the waterproofing division of Isam Kabbani) using Radcon Formula #7® was the best product to solve this complex problem. Radcon will not only seal the existing cracks but be resistant to the corrosive nature of the contents and remain in the concrete, protecting the reinforcement for the life of the concrete and in fact increasing their life considerably.
Most other products are applied to the surface of the concrete and will delaminate and have to be re-applied within 10 years of application.
Following application and refilling, all of the tanks were all tested and it was found there was no leakage.
Radcon #7® will never have to be re-applied and should any hairline crack appear, Radcon #7® will regenerate and fill these cracks.